Flisk has been acquired by Archer. Letter to Our Valued Flisk Customers

Mar 20, 2024

Dear Flisk Community,

I hope this letter finds you well. Today, I am reaching out to share some exhilarating news that will usher in a new chapter for all of us at Flisk. We are delighted to announce that Flisk has been acquired by Archer, an illustrious name that resonates with growth, innovation, and commitment.

At the very core of this partnership is you - our treasured customers. Over the years, your trust, feedback, and collaboration have been pivotal in shaping the trajectory of Flisk. With Archer's expansive resources and shared ethos, our commitment to serving you will only intensify. We foresee an era of enhanced products, swifter services, and an even broader spectrum of solutions to meet your needs.

While this merger symbolizes an evolution, some things remain steadfast. I will continue to lead Archer's RMIS solution with the same fervor and dedication you have come to know and trust. Our brand's essence, the quality of our offerings, and our promise to you remain unwavering. We are simply fortifying our foundation with Archer's robust capabilities.

I want to assure you that we are committed to ensuring a seamless transition. Your regular points of contact will remain unchanged, and we will keep you informed every step of the way. Our journey together has been nothing short of remarkable. With this new chapter, I am confident that together, under the Archer umbrella, we will carve out a future filled with exciting opportunities and sustained growth.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. Here's to new beginnings, continued collaboration, and a future that shines even brighter.

View Press Release


Pablo Ninoles CEO at FLISK

Flisk has been acquired by

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