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Incidents Management Software

Capture information. Severity priorization. Prevent future incidents.

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Everything you need

Incidents Management Made Easy

Multiple features integrated in a user friendly interface.

Incident reporting
Quickly report and track any incidents that occur in your organization, with customizable forms and fields to capture all relevant details.
Workflow automation
Automate the incident handling process, from initial reporting to resolution and closure, to ensure timely and efficient response to incidents.
Team collaboration
Facilitate collaboration among your team members, allowing them to work together on incidents, share updates, and track progress.
Notifications and alerts
Receive real-time notifications and alerts when incidents are reported, assigned, or updated, to ensure everyone stays informed and can act promptly.
Incident analytics
Get insights into incident trends, root causes, and impact, with customizable dashboards and reports that help you make data-driven decisions.
Risk assessments
Conduct risk assessments for each incident, to evaluate the severity of the incident, determine the potential impact, and prioritize response efforts.
Compliance tracking
Track compliance with internal policies, regulations, and industry standards, to ensure that incidents are handled in accordance with best practices.
Integration with other Flisk applications
Seamlessly integrate the incident management tool with other Flisk applications, such as claims management and exposure data management, to streamline your risk management processes.
“ Flisk is the biggest time saver when it comes to insurance renewals. The software works seamlessly. It’s an incredible powerful tool for risk managers. It just works. ”
Testimonial Image
Alumine Bellone
VP Risk Management at Ardent Health

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